Essential Health Tips for a Stress-free Holiday

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The holiday season is approaching, and many families are preparing for their long-awaited vacations. However, travelling with toddlers can bring unique challenges in keeping them healthy and comfortable. While family trips can create wonderful memories, they also require careful planning to ensure everyone, especially young children, stays safe and well.

Tips to help parents and caregivers make the most of their travels with toddlers and create a holiday that’s memorable for the right reasons.
1. Prioritise Hydration

One of the biggest challenges when travelling with toddlers is keeping them hydrated. Airplane cabins have lower humidity, which can lead to dehydration, especially in young children. Encourage your toddler to drink small sips of water regularly and, if breastfeeding, nurse more often. Formula-fed babies over six months old should be offered extra water.

2. Maintain a Consistent Sleep Routine

Travelling can disrupt a toddler’s sleep schedule, and inadequate sleep can lead to crankiness, reduced immunity, and overall discomfort. While replicating their exact sleep environment may not be possible, there are strategies to maintain a familiar sleep routine. For example, you could bring along a travel-friendly version of your toddler’s favourite blanket or stuffed animal, and if they use white noise at home, consider downloading a white noise app on your phone to recreate a soothing environment.

3. Pack Essential Medications

Being prepared for minor illnesses or injuries is always wise, as you may need more immediate access to medical care when travelling. Essential items include:

  • Fever-reducing medication, such as infant ibuprofen.
  • A digital thermometer.
  • Motion sickness medication suitable for toddlers.
  • Adhesive bandages, antiseptic wipes, and antibiotic ointment.
  • Teething relief if your toddler is teething.
  • Sunscreen and insect repellent are appropriate for children.

Consider visiting your child’s paediatrician before travelling for recommendations on specific medications or health precautions based on your destination. Having these essentials on hand can help parents address minor health concerns quickly, preventing unnecessary stress during the holiday.

4. Be Mindful of Food Safety

Trying new foods can be one of the joys of travel, but ensuring food is safe to avoid digestive issues is essential for toddlers. Avoid offering raw or undercooked foods, and stick to fruits and vegetables that can be peeled. Be cautious with street foods if they are freshly prepared. Carry pre-packaged snacks you know your toddler enjoys, as this can be a lifesaver in situations where local foods might not be toddler-friendly.

5. Keep Immunisations Up to Date

Travel often exposes families to new environments, which can carry unfamiliar germs. Ensure your toddler’s immunisations are up-to-date, including any additional vaccines recommended for your destination. Common travel-related vaccines include those for hepatitis A, typhoid, and influenza.

Consult your doctor to ensure your toddler has the necessary vaccinations, and ask about any other health precautions specific to your destination. This step is essential for protecting your child from preventable diseases while travelling.

6. Plan for Motion Sickness

Toddlers may be susceptible to motion sickness, especially on long car rides or during flights. To prevent nausea, avoid large meals before travelling, and have your child sit in a forward-facing seat if possible. Offering ginger-flavoured snacks or crackers can help settle an uneasy stomach, but check with your paediatrician about safe remedies for motion sickness in young children.

7. Practice Good Hygiene

Travelling means increased exposure to germs in public places, which can easily lead to colds, coughs, and stomach bugs in toddlers. Pack hand sanitiser and wipes to clean hands and surfaces such as tray tables, high chairs, and bathroom facilities before use. Encourage regular hand-washing with soap, especially before meals.

8. Bring Familiar Comfort Items

Unfamiliar environments can make toddlers anxious, leading to fussiness and tantrums. Bringing a few comfort items, like a favourite blanket, toy, or storybook, can make new places feel safer and more familiar. These items can provide distraction and comfort during stressful travel moments.

9. Be Flexible

Travelling with a toddler requires flexibility and patience. Expect your toddler to become tired, frustrated, or overstimulated sometimes. Allow extra time for activities, and don’t plan many outings daily. Having realistic expectations can help make the trip more enjoyable for everyone.

With these tips, families can confidently embark on their travels, knowing they’ve prepared for the unique challenges of holiday travel with toddlers.