Where Is Our Youth?

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The month of June is well known as youth month and we dedicate it to strengthening ties and working together to move South Africa forward through the harnessing of young people as instruments and assets for the development of the country and our future.

At Hlengani, we encourage the entire country to participate in Youth Month by recognizing the present and future role of the youth in shaping the socio-economic landscape of the country and fighting social ills just as the youth of 1976 did. ‘We must support the youth, and present open platforms and encourage the fair participation in economic opportunities because after all, the future of this country lies in the hands of our young people’, said Mr. Themba Hlengani, Lead Director of Hlengani Associates.

Gender-Based Violence

South Africa is currently faced with a devastating difficulty of Gender-Based Violence. The youth should form the front line of defense in the fight against GBV in our communities. Most violence against women and children starts at home, and our youth should stand up and fight this scourge. We urge all boys and men to never result in violence.

Counselling and Therapeutic Services

Learn to communicate, seek advice, talk about personal issues, and make use of counselling and therapeutic services. We must put an end to the killing of women and children. We aspire for a non-violent generation and a society that is free and peaceful.

Black Lives Matter

During the months of May and June, we have seen the Black Lives Matter movement gaining traction in South Africa and abroad, and we reach out to all young people, of all races, to remain humble and keep in mind the fact that we are all equal human beings before God. We need to set aside our differences and live in harmony and treat each other with love and respect. We should always strive for peace.

From a business perspective, the global economy remains in serious strain. According to the International Monetary Fund, South Africa’s unemployment rate is forecasted to go up to 35.3% in December 2020. Companies continue to report strained operations and business confidence is at its lowest.

Government’s policy interventions have not kicked in yet, but in due time, we should see improvement in the economy, as the various relief packages start taking effect. We hope then to see our business picking up as well.

Hlengani Associates is involved in exciting projects including guiding clients through crises and reputation management minefield. We will soon share how we are helping the chicken industry to fight dumping in South Africa. This is a fight all South Africans should take on, to protect local industries and jobs.

For the first time since democracy, South Africa commemorates the 2020 National Youth Month with restrictions as we battle the Covid-19 pandemic. Let us remember to heed the simple advice on fighting this pandemic. Stay home, wash your hands, maintain physical distance in public spaces and sanitize. Remember, the virus does not move if you do not move.