At the moment, the importance of a healthy and strong immune system is top of everyone’s mind, across the globe – and GLAD can help… by keeping your superfoods fresh for longer.
How to Store Ginger:
- Place whole, unpeeled ginger in an unsealed Glad Zip Seal Bag.
- Loosely close the bag without sealing and place it in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator.
- Use within 2-3 weeks.
How to Freeze Ginger:
- Wrap whole pieces of unpeeled ginger in Glad Cling Wrap.
- Place wrapped ginger in a Glad Zip Seal Bag or Glad Freezer Bag.
- Remove as much air as possible. Place in the deepest part of the freezer.
- Keeps for up to 12 months.
How to Store Garlic:
- Place full heads of garlic in a cool, dark place, outside of the refrigerator.
- Seal peeled, whole cloves in a Glad Zip Seal Bag in the refrigerator.
- Use within one week when whole, two days when cut.
How to Freeze Garlic:
- Wrap whole or minced cloves in Glad Cling Wrap.
- Place wrapped garlic in a Glad Freezer Bag or Glad Zip Seal Bag.
- Remove as much air as possible. Place in the deepest part of the freezer.
- Keeps for 10–12 months.
All GLAD products are made for your convenience with the purpose of keeping your food fresh for longer. GLAD – Saving good food. From going bad.
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