Safe Sex Tips for a Holiday Romance

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Many look forward to travel, reunions, and romance as the holiday season draws near. Whether meeting someone new or rekindling a current relationship, a holiday romance can add excitement to your time away. To stay healthy and safe, remember to prioritise safe sex.

Here are some tips to help you enjoy the holiday season responsibly.

Before starting an intimate relationship, open and honest communication with your partner is important. Talking about sexual health can be difficult, but it builds trust and openness—essential topics to include are past partners, STI testing, contraception, and personal boundaries.

Here are some helpful questions:
  • “When did you last get tested for sexually transmitted infection (STIs)?”
  • “Do you have any preferences or boundaries you’d like to discuss?”
  • “What kind of contraception do you prefer?”

Open communication keeps both partners informed and creates a foundation for a respectful, consensual relationship.


They are accessible, affordable, and easy to use, making them a vital part of any safe sex practice. Both male and female condoms are available and offer significant protection against a range of STIs, including HIV, chlamydia, and gonorrhoea.


It can provide added protection against specific STIs, including human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis B. HPV is a common virus that can lead to various cancers, including cervical and anal cancer. In contrast, hepatitis B can cause severe liver infections. Both are preventable through widely available vaccines. If you’re planning to be sexually active while travelling, consider getting vaccinated if you haven’t already.

Know Your Partner’s Status

Regular testing is recommended, especially for people with multiple partners or those entering new relationships.

Understand the Importance of PrEP

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a daily medication that can reduce the risk of contracting HIV by more than 90% for individuals at high risk. If you are travelling to areas with a high HIV prevalence or plan to engage in new sexual relationships, PrEP could be an excellent precautionary measure.

Alcohol, Substances, and Consent

The holiday season often involves celebrating with alcohol, but excessive drinking can impair judgment and affect decision-making. It’s essential to remain mindful of your alcohol intake to ensure that you make safe, consensual choices. Remember, valid consent can only be given when both parties are sober and fully aware.

Emergency Contraception

Sometimes accidents happen. In cases of unprotected sex or condom failure, emergency contraception (EC) can be a reliable backup to prevent unwanted pregnancy. EC is most effective within 72 hours of unprotected sex but can work up to five days afterward.

There are two main types of EC:
  • Plan B or similar pills: Available without a prescription, Plan B pills prevent ovulation and can be taken up to three days after unprotected sex.
  • Copper IUD: If inserted within five days of unprotected sex, a copper IUD is nearly 100% effective in preventing pregnancy.
Be Kind to Yourself

Holiday romances can bring up a whirlwind of emotions. If you face any challenges or mixed feelings after your experience, seeking support from a friend, therapist, or support group is okay. Safe sex involves not only physical protection but also emotional well-being.

A holiday romance can be a memorable and meaningful experience, but it’s important to approach it responsibly. By practising safe sex, communicating openly, and being mindful of your health, you can enjoy the excitement of a new connection while protecting both your physical and emotional well-being.

Make your holiday unforgettable for all the right reasons, and remember: safe sex is the best way to protect both your health and your heart.