Finding Your Dream Job

Are you currently on the job market? Looking for your first job? Retrenched? Considering a career change?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, I would like to invite you to an interactive workshop on Saturday 8 June 2019.

I am a HR professional with over 20 years’ experience, who recently transitioned from the corporate world into running my own HR Consultancy. I believe in living life intentionally and with purpose.

If you could do anything in the world. What would you do?

Come along and be inspired to follow your dreams and live a life of purpose.

Date: Saturday 8 June 2019
Time: 09h00 to 12h00
Venue: St Nicholas, Circular Drive, Lorraine, Port Elizabeth
Cost: R130

I look forward to spending a productive, thought-provoking time together on Saturday.

To secure your place, please contact Loretta Sanderson on 041 366 2277 or email: