Early Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

When do pregnancy symptoms start?

Sometimes it’s hard to interpret the signals your body is sending you. So if you suspect you may be pregnant, you’re probably eager to confirm it.

Probably the easiest way to find out is to take an over-the-counter home pregnancy test. These are over 99% accurate from the day you expect your period. There are different types of test you can use and it’s important to choose the right one for you. Some tests can give you a fast result in as little as 1 minute from the day you miss your period. Others can be used up to 6 days before you miss your period, if you just can’t wait to find out!

There is even a test that not only tells you if you are pregnant or not pregnant in words, but also how many weeks since you conceived. If you do discover you’re pregnant, it’s important that you make an appointment for your first prenatal visit with your healthcare provider.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms signs:
  • Missing a menstrual period
  • Frequent urination
  • Tender, tingling, swollen breasts
  • “Morning sickness,” a queasiness that can occur any time of day
  • Changes in skin color: darkening of the areola (the area around your nipple), deepening color of veins in your breasts, appearance of a dark line from your navel to your pubic bone
  • Food cravings
  • Feeling tired and sleepy all the time

If you’re having any of these symptoms, see your health care provider (physician, nurse practitioner, or certified nurse midwife) as soon as possible. As she examines you, she’ll be able to observe other signs that can confirm a pregnancy, such as changes in the color or firmness of your cervix, changes in your uterus, hearing a prenatal heartbeat, or detection of the fetus on an ultrasound monitor. If you are pregnant, she will also set up a series of prenatal appointments to get you and your baby off to the best start possible!