1. Can you please tell us more about your business?
A. I provide edge-of-the seat hard core Media Skills Training – a real-life experience of sitting in the hot seat under the full glare of intrusive television lights while volleying through a bevy of tough and intrusive questions. My other competencies include Crisis Management – both from a workshop perspective, as well as from being on hand 24/7 to provide key clients with Media Advisory Services to help them navigate through difficult terrain.
Key Messaging is another prime focus of mine. It is a standalone workshop or one that I weave into other training programmes. Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Training is another popular service offering. It brings out people’s authenticity and makes them feel comfortable in their own skin. A new workshop offering is The Art of Disruptive Dialogue.
It places that large white elephant front and centre stage while delegates learn to work around issues they’d much rather not talk about. I also provide Managerial Skills Training. It deals with communication barriers internally. I call this the DNA of Communication. My facilitation style is energetic, in your face, and highly practical. There is zero reliance on slide decks. I always opt for pure dialogue and conversation.
2. When, how and why did you start your business?
A. I am a dyed-in-the-wool hard news reporter. I left the cut and thrust of news just before South Africa’s first democratic elections after 7 cameramen died in the township unrest.
I tried my hand at lecturing in journalism and that pretty much provided me with the platform I use today: to present at conferences and facilitate the various workshops I provide to clients.
After a short and entirely forgettable three months working for one of the big public relations agencies as their Media Specialist, I decided that the world of positive spin was not for me. I left without any job prospects and started my own Media Consultancy because I figured that I could do it alone.
3. What is your role in the business?
A. Owner. I run a tight ship with an Office Manager who mans my home office.
4. Where did you study and what did you study?
A. I tried my hand at studying law as I fancied the idea of becoming a criminal litigator. I failed dismally and became a crime reporter instead.
5. How did you finance your business?
A. I didn’t and I still don’t. I fly with my face against the wind every single month. But I must be doing something right as I’ve been in business for 25 years. Much of my work comes from repeat business. Reputation is everything. So is word of mouth.
6. Describe your average workday, if such a thing exists.
A. There is nothing average about my workday. I work with different clients every single day and provide at least 20 different workshop offerings. My other ‘office’ is the corner seat of an airplane as I travel extensively both locally and internationally.
7. How do you balance your home life and your work life?
A. Work/life balance? What is that??
8. What drives you and inspires you?
A. My passion. I still have the tenacity I had in the newsrooms of old. And I just love what I do.
9. Where and when do you have your best ideas?
A. I feed off my delegates and read their needs well. I’m all about reinvention. I think it’s critical to remain on top of trends.
10. Where and how do you market/advertise your business for sales leads?
A. I have a strong social media presence and a website that I’m proud of.
11. What is next for your business?
A. Offering my workshops online. More international work.
12. What advice would you give to female entrepreneurs hoping to start their own business?
A. Never doubt yourself. You have what it takes.
Short Biography
As a former investigative journalist, radio talk show host, television presenter and researcher/producer for both local and international factual television programming, Janine has over 34 years’ experience in mainstream media. Janine uses this experience as a credible platform to provide clients with ‘a bird’s eye view’ of the media machine, as well as a real insight into the dynamics of a news environment.
Janine’s no holds barred approach to her series of highly interactive and practical workshops ensures that her select clientele develops the skills necessary for successful encounters with both internal and external audiences.
Contact information:
Website – http://www.janinemedia.co.za/
Email – Janine@janinemedia.co.za
Cell – 083 260 2458
Office – 011 454 2499
Social media links:
Linkedin: https://za.linkedin.com/in/janine-lazarus-cprp-8a385b2
Twitter @JanineLazarus
Instagram @Janinemedia
Facebook – Janine Lazarus Media Consultancy