#WIB – Q&A With Babalwa Jonga Founder Of Khona Communications

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1. Can you please tell us more about your business?

Offering Public Relations, Advertising, Branding, Promotions, Events and Experiences, Research and Strategic Planning, Social Media and Content Creation, Khona Communications is an Integrated Marketing Communications Agency that has adopted the IMC approach to effectively create, plan, execute and timeously deliver B2B and B2C marketing communication strategies, taking into consideration the benefit of quick turnaround time on results when communications and messages are carefully connected together and implemented under the same roof

2. When, how and why did you start your business?

I started the business in May 2018. It is something I had always wanted to do and have been brainstorming for a few years before officially starting. Not only did I want to create wealth, I wanted to create an impact and change the way businesses do business. I started by approaching my then first client when I was told my contract was ending at my then job as a PR Account Manager. I was not about to spend months looking for a job I didn’t know when I would get and prior to starting that position, I knew it was not my destiny to work for a company but to create a company. I approached my first potential client on LinkedIn providing a solution to his problem. We immediately met and I did a proposal and the rest was history. Having that very client opened doors for Khona Communications.

I started the business because I wanted to make a difference. Make a difference for youth, combat unemployment, make a difference for my future, my family, my kids but simply because I love what I do and believe that I can do it better on my own.

3. What is your role in the business?

I am the Founder and Managing Director who doubles up if not triples up with other roles and functions of any small but growing business.

4. Where did you study and what did you study?

I studied a Diploma in Advertising Management at Varsity College and also currently studying a BComm in Marketing Management at UNISA.

5. How did you finance your business?

The business has not received any kind of finance. We rely on clients to grow and manage the business successfully.

6. Describe your average workday, if such a thing exists.

As a small business, such a thing does not exist. Although I am the Founder and MD, I am also the Admin, Finance, Sales, Marketing and so on. I would say my days mostly consist of looking after the small projects I have as well as attending workshops, events and seminars to grow and network as a small business.

7. How do you balance your home life and your work life?

I don’t! Should I have been employed on a full-time basis by another company, then I would say I need to balance the two. I am working even when I am at home. Once dinner has been done and kids have eaten, bathed and it’s bedtime, I go back to work because then there is peace and quiet. My day typically starts at 4:30am and ends at 4pm because then it’s time to fetch the kids and prepare them for the next day. Being self-employed allows me to have more time with the kids because I get to work from home, something I was unable to do while I was employed on a full-time basis.

8. What drives you and inspires you?

My kids. Plain and simple! At times when I want to give up, I think about them and their future. What are they to become? What example am I setting for them? Everything about the business they know while still at a very young age.

9. Where and when do you have your best ideas?

Late at night from midnight. I call myself a night owl because I love the peace and quiet of working throughout the night. I find that the best time as I don’t get much alone time during the day. If I’m alone then there is the phone, there is emails and there’s social media.

10. Where and how do you market/advertise your business for sales leads?

Most of our leads are from LinkedIn, networking, old clients coming back as well as word of mouth. We are on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

11. What is next for your business?

There is no next. We continue being the best we can be. We continue growing. We continue giving our best, working hard so we can be able to work smart in the future. We continue learning, most of all, we continue building the empire that is to be known as Khona Communications.

12. What advice would you give to female entrepreneurs hoping to start their own business?

The time is now! I never used to understand this but simply put, there is no waiting for tomorrow, no waiting for funding, resources and other excused for not getting up and getting what you want. Work with what you have and build what you’ve always dreamed of. Most of all, do what you love, it makes things easier.

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