Before your child is born or adopted, it is normal to wonder if you are going to make a good parent. We often think of how our parents or caregivers took care of us. What things we would like to implement into our parenting structure and what things we want to throw out. Every new parent has many things that they need to learn before a child comes and growing up. That is, after all, the goal of hosting life and sustaining a family.
Below, we have compiled a list of good parenting practices and tips that will help you along your parenting journey.
Authoritarian Parenting
You may be able to quickly recognize the parent who uses the authoritarian parenting style to raise their kids. They value obedience over all else and allow their child to have little say in the matter. These types of parents will set rules that children must follow without question. If a child dares to break a rule, they will punish rather than discipline them. There is little negotiation that the child can engage in to make rules or punishments more flexible. While this type of parenting method is effective, the children raised using this strategy will often suffer from self-esteem problems. They may become hostile or aggressive and may learn to lie as a way to get out of punishment.
Permissive Parenting
On the other end of the spectrum, we have those who use permissive parenting. Permissive parenting is a strategy in which they try their best not to interfere. These types of parents will provide children with rules but will not enforce them. They try to stay out of their children’s lives as they believe children learn best with little interference from adults. Because of this, children raised this way will often struggle academically. They may start to have behavioral problems from the lack of enforcement and develop low self-esteem. Many children in these homes have health problems such as obesity and even cavities.
Uninvolved Parenting
Appropriately named, uninvolved parenting means that a parent is not involved in a child’s life. Rules and consequences don’t apply to these children. The parents are not often around emotionally to pay attention to and maintain these standards. However, it is not the only discipline that is lacking in this type of relationship dynamic. These types of parents are often involved in their work, friends, or other relationships. Children raised this way will develop self-esteem issues, have behavioral problems, and frequently feel unhappy.
Authoritative Parenting
Appropriately named, uninvolved parenting means that a parent is not involved in a child’s life. Things such as rules and consequences don’t apply to these children. However, it is not the only discipline that is lacking in this type of relationship dynamic. Children will also not receive the guidance or love that they need to grow up the right way. These types of parents are often involved in their work, friends, or other relationships.
Here are some important tips to being the best parent that you can be.
Spend More Time Reinforcing Good Behavior Than Disciplining Bad Behavior
Parents often think that the only thing keeping their child from behaving poorly is the fear of punishment. Discipline is indeed important and certain rules and fair consequences for breaking them must be in place. Research shows that children respond better to praise than they do to discipline. Although discipline shows them that there are consequences, children are more likely to respond favorably to praise and love. If you praise more, your child will learn what is expected of them and choose good behavior instead.
Keep Up To Date With Your Child’s Development To Ensure Success And Avoid Unfair Treatment
Certain behaviors come with developmental stages while others indicate that your child may need additional reinforcement or consequences to alleviate the issue. Many parents assume that certain behaviors are inherently bad and will punish their children. However, some boundary-pushing behaviors are to be expected during a child’s development. These marginal behaviors may indicate that they are right on track within their age group. It is important that you keep up with these developmental milestones as your child grows to avoid problems.
Lead By Example
Children are always watching us. As they grow up, they will start to emulate our behaviors, relationships, and conversational styles. For parents who are aware of their behavioral patterns and actions, this is a good thing! However, for parents who may not have the best habits or who are not careful about what they say or do, these things can rub off on the child. They will start to incorporate these actions or behaviors into their routine. It is important that you become self-aware and lead by example so that your child always has a strong role model to look up to.
Make Time To Keep Your Relationship Strong
Raising a child is hard work and its work that piles on top of other adult responsibilities. It is rewarding, but it is a job within itself as well. There is a high level of demand when it comes to raising a child. Some parents start to drift away from their children when they begin to gain more independence. This may not be a direct parenting style but can happen simply because you are busy. It is important to make time to keep your relationship strong and to bond with your child. It is important for their development and emotional health.
Regulate Your Own Emotions When Your Child Misbehaves
Children can be steadfast in their behaviors and feelings. This stubbornness isn’t always a good thing. Children may be positive and agreeable one day and fussy and problematic the next and it can be easy to lose your temper. It is important that you regulate your emotions. Children mimic what they experience and believe that it is okay to act hostile when someone else is acting hostile towards them.
Make Sure To Provide A Stable, Creative, Loving Environment For Your Child
Your child needs structure and stability to grow and develop. Children are unable to feel safe when things are unpredictable and will not learn how to behave when there is no routine. They need an environment that is not only secure, but one that allows them to be creative, to learn, to grow, and to be loved.
Practice Self-Care And Reach Out For Support If Needed
Taking care of a child means making sure that they properly care for, but part of parenthood is making sure that you are properly cared for as well. You cannot pour from an empty cup! This means practicing self-care regularly and reaching out for additional support when you need it so that you can take a much-needed break to recharge. The best caregivers are the ones who take care of themselves so that their child is raised by the best version of their parent possible.
If you can relate to any of the above statements, one great resource to receive the help you need is BetterHelp. BetterHelp is an online counseling platform that connects you with certified therapists while allowing you to book sessions that work with your schedule, all from the comfort of your own home. If you believe that this type of support could benefit you, simply click on the link provided above to get started!