The Festive Season is a time for cooking, feasting and celebrating with friends and family. Let GLAD help make the holidays a little easier with their handy product range and creative tips for fun and festivities!
Enjoy the Festive Holidays by making the most of your time with these timesaving tips and fun ideas!
For the kids:
Let the kids decorate Glad Zip Seal Bags with stickers and paint so each one has their own storage bag for their goodies. This also makes it easy to freeze treats if they melt or simply to save them for later.
Making biscuits or cakes? Entertain the kids with decorating. Turn Glad Zip Seal Bags into icing piping bags. Fill the bags with different colour icings and cut a small hole in one corner to squeeze the icing out into lovely patterns (with less mess).
Remember to line your cake tins and baking trays with GLAD Bake & Cooking Paper to prevent food from sticking.

Buy your groceries ahead of time to ensure you can enjoy your whole weekend, stress-free!
Freeze artisanal bread ahead of time, instead of rushing out on in the morning.
Prepare as much of your cooking, as you can, in advance. Making a traditional lamb or beef roast or a braai? Season or marinate your meat in Glad Freezer Bags pop in the fridge overnight, ready for cooking the next day.
Keep GLAD Bake & Cooking Paper on hand, it is a non-stick baking and cooking paper that eliminates the need to grease trays and pans enabling you to cook with no oil and less mess.
Make flavourful and interesting ice for drinks using Glad Ice Cube Bags. Add crushed berries, infuse water with mint, lemon or anything you can imagine! Fill the bags and freeze for delicious ice to add to your beverages.

Easy Leftovers:
With every family feast there is always a surplus of food and Glad loves leftovers, so let them help with yours.
Package and freeze leftovers in Glad Freezer Bags, ready to be reheated.
Share leftovers with your guests by parcelling the food in Glad Zip Seal Bags or Glad Tin Foil.
Blend leftover veggies into a nutritious soup.

GLAD products have thousands of uses and you will be glad to have them around for the holidays. Make sure to put them on your shopping list to make the festive season a little easier!
All GLAD products are made for your convenience with the purpose of keeping your food fresh for longer. GLAD – Saving good food. From going bad.
Please visit for more information and follow ‘GLAD SOUTH AFRICA’ on Facebook; Available in the GLAD aisle of most supermarkets.
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