Tips for Entertaining Clients in Your Home

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If you’re hosting business clients at your home for meetings, or if that’s something you’ll need to do shortly, the following tips will help you win more contracts and make a great impression.

Have food and snacks ready

It’s a good idea to have some food available during your business meetings, regardless of how formal they are. If your meeting is formal, you can prepare trays of charcuterie or bake some frozen appetizers before your client arrives. For a more casual meeting, consider baking a pizza just before their appointment. You could even host your meeting in the backyard and cook your pizza outdoors to create an enjoyable experience.

Science has proven that people love the smell of pizza baking in the oven, and it has the power to increase happiness. If you start baking a pizza while your client is arriving at your home, it could have a positive impact on their perception of you and the business you’re doing together.

Ask about pet allergies beforehand

It’s polite to ask clients if they’re allergic to the animals you have in your home. Depending on the severity of their allergy, they may need you to host the meeting elsewhere. Otherwise, vacuuming and putting your pet in another room may be all that’s required. Just don’t wait until they get there and start having problems to tell them you have pets.

Allow your client to park in the driveway

If parking is on the street and it’s usually scarce, make sure to reserve your driveway for your client. The night before or early in the morning, park your car on the street to make room for their car. They might not want to park in your driveway, but let them know they have that option. Trying to find street parking can be frustrating and you don’t want to get off to a bad start, especially if it’s your first meeting.

Ask people to leave the house if they can’t be quiet

Most of the time, you probably won’t need to ask anyone to leave the house, but if you live with people who tend to be disruptive and/or can’t be quiet, don’t be afraid to ask them to leave for a while. If they’re roommates, pay them if you have to. Spending a little extra cash is worth having a peaceful meeting.

Choose a designated spot to host your meetings

It’s important to plan ahead of time where you’ll host your client. Don’t wait until they arrive, and don’t ask them where they want to be unless it’s a simple choice between indoors or outdoors. If they’ve never been to your house before, they won’t know the best place to conduct business. Therefore, it’s your responsibility to figure out and set up your space before the meeting.

It’s best to have a separate space for client meetings, like a spare bedroom-turned-office, or even an alcove. If you have a basement that is furnished and looks nice, you can use that, too. When you have a regular space for meetings, it will be easier to prepare the space for each client and if it’s a dedicated room, you can put all the right furniture inside with a mini fridge to hold snacks and drinks.

Don’t hide your normal way of life

There are probably some things that should be kept out of sight from clients, but aside from things that may be too personal or outright offensive, don’t worry about hiding all signs of your daily life. Tidying up is perfectly okay, but hiding your kids and spouse is going too far.

It’s your home so you set the rules. If you have a family to care for, your clients will just need to accept that your living room will be full of toys and people. Don’t go too far out of your way to present a spotless house to your clients. They will notice your anxiety. If it bothers you that much, rent an office for the day instead and keep your peace of mind.

Don’t aim for perfection – it doesn’t exist

Although it would be great if every business meeting were perfect and ended in your desired outcome, that may not always happen. Don’t worry too much about perfection. Business meetings are all about appearances anyway, and most people won’t hold those imperfections against you.