#Pink – What Are the Breast Cancer Warning Signs?

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A sharp pain in your breast, possibly with some tenderness, may have you wondering if it could be something serious. A breast lump is often the first thing people notice that spurs a visit to their doctor.

Although breast cancer generally shows no symptoms in the early stage, timely detection can turn a story of breast cancer into a survivor’s tale.

What is the lump on my breast?

Although a lump in the breast is typically associated with breast cancer, these lumps usually aren’t cancer. Most are benign, or noncancerous.

Common causes of benign breast lumps include:

  • breast infection
  • fibrocystic breast disease (“lumpy breasts”)
  • fibroadenoma (noncancerous tumor)
  • fat necrosis (damaged tissue)

With fat necrosis, the mass can’t be distinguished from a cancerous lump without a biopsy.

Even though the majority of breast lumps are caused by less severe conditions, new, painless lumps are still the most common symptom of breast cancer.

Early breast cancer warning signs

Early on, a person may notice a change in her breast when she performs a monthly breast exam or minor abnormal pain that doesn’t seem to go away.

Early signs of breast cancer include:

  • changes in the shape of the nipple
  • breast pain that doesn’t go away after your next period
  • a new lump that doesn’t go away after your next period
  • nipple discharge from one breast that’s clear, red, brown, or yellow
  • unexplained redness, swelling, skin irritation, itchiness, or rash on the breast
  • swelling or a lump around the collarbone or under the arm

A lump that’s hard with irregular edges is more likely to be cancerous.

Later signs of breast cancer include:

  • retraction, or inward turning of the nipple
  • enlargement of one breast
  • dimpling of the breast surface
  • an existing lump that gets bigger
  • an “orange peel” texture to the skin
  • poor appetite
  • unintentional weight loss
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit
  • visible veins on the breast

Having one or more of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you have breast cancer. Nipple discharge, for example, can also be caused by an infection. See your doctor for a complete evaluation if you experience any of these signs and symptoms.