Blood in the urine and chronic back pain may indicate kidney stones or a tumour and anyone experiencing these symptoms should immediately consult a urologist.
Dr Laurie Blake from The Urology Hospital, Pretoria, says in about a third of cases of blood in urine the reasons may be due to medication, food and drinks or excessive exercise.
However, in most other cases, particularly when accompanied by chronic back pain, the patient may be experiencing kidney stones or a tumour which would require a CT scan or an ultrasound scan. Additional signs of a possible tumour include loss of appetite, weight loss, fever, extreme fatigue and anaemia.
“The sooner patients presenting these symptoms consult with a urologist the better, as early detection of tumours, in particular, is critical,” said Dr Blake.
The kidneys form part of the urinary tract, remove waste, and are located just below the rib cage on either side of the spine. A healthy lifestyle, avoiding smoking, exercising, a balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight and drinking lots of water may help avoid kidney problems.
Dr Blake said kidney conditions, including kidney stones and kidney or bladder tumours, are treated at The Urology Hospital.
Meanwhile, chronic kidney disease kills over a million people worldwide according to latest research, while kidney cancer is among the 10 most common cancers in men and women. These are often effectively treated through surgery.
The Urology Hospital, the only specialised urological centre in Africa, offers a range of surgical procedures for kidney cancer including conventional and laparoscopic surgery, robotically assisted nephrectomies (removal of kidney) and partial nephrectomies. The hospital is the only specialised urological centre in Africa and pioneered robotic surgery in South Africa.
For more information, contact 012 423-4000 or SMS the word INFO and your email address to 33000 (SMS charged at R1.50).