How To Roller Set Relaxed Hair

Roller sets are a great way to straighten your hair! Roller setting means you retain moisture particularly compared to blow dryers curlers or straighteners. So you can straighten your hair without excessive heat use.

Roller set curls also last for a couple of days so that means you can spend less time styling too. So, here’s a step-by-step guide to roller-setting your hair.

What you’ll need:
  • Spray bottle with water
  • Hooded dryer
  • Small-tooth comb
  • Rollers
Wash your hair

Wash your hair with a shampoo and condition prior to doing the roller set – just as you normally would. Apply a leave-in conditioner after washing.

Detangle your hair whilst washing: make sure there are no tangles, especially at your ends; if you forget to, it will more likely lead to frizz once you take out the rollers.

Put your hair into sections whilst it is still damp, depending on the size of the rollers. Section your hair to fit into individual rollers.

Begin to roll your hair into the sets

Roll your hair – make sure it is taut and straight – along the rollers. Try to be as neat as possible. Snap the cover onto the roller once you have reached your scalp. The section patterns depend on the desired style. Put in the right amount of hair for each roller; too much and your hair will not end up as straight as it could be.

Be sure that your ends are as smoothened as possible and that they’re not too wet otherwise they will frizz. It is a trial-and-error exercise to get the balance for your hair. But don’t worry; you’ll get the hang of it after a few times.

Sit underneath a hooded dryer for approximately 45 to 60 minutes at a medium to high temperature.

The takedown

Unravel the rollers from your hair, once your hair is completely dry, or you won’t get the best results. If it isn’t, use the hooded dryer once more. Apply a setting product that will help retain the curls from the set.

And voila! Enjoy your bouncy curls! Getting the right roll-out is a trial-and-error process: but the results are worth it.