OmniProtect has partnered with SA celebrities and personalities to donate 4000 liters of liquid sanitizer to 4 communities in need.
Q. Can you tell us more about the #SprayItForward campaign and how did you get involved?
A. The #SprayItForward campaign is a CSI initiative centered around helping the underprivileged communities in fighting the COVID19 pandemic by donating a ton of Omni Protect sanitizing spray.
That was the biggest thing that attracted us to the #SprayItForward campaign because we also wanted to play our part in assisting our communities, so we were very happy to be involved.
Q. What goal do you think celebrities and sports stars should have during this crisis?
A. More than anything celebrities and sports stars should be playing a very big role in Educating South Africans about COVID19 and how we can fight it, also practicing all the necessary steps of abiding by the current lock-down rules and showing the nation that together we can help fight the spread of the virus.
Q. What are the goals of this campaign and how do the goals align with your personal brand?
A. Well my brand is very family orientated and I am also passionate about educating the youth also through skills development by changing the world one young person at a time. We also try to constantly lend a helping hand to the underprivileged with what we have and what we can help with,
So the goals of the spray it forward campaign are perfectly aligned with our brand especially since the campaign objectives are to educate, inform, get the brand out there and assist the underprivileged in such trying times. We can definitely say it is a perfect match.
Q. How important is hygiene now in the current circumstances of the COVID19 virus?
A. Well Hygiene in my family has always been important, but however COVID19 has now really opened our eyes and we have become well aware of how quickly germs and viruses spread, so for us to keep safe from the virus it is very important that we constantly wash our hands. sanitize all surfaces and practice social distancing. This is our new normal and the sooner we get used to it the better we can flatten the curve.
Q. What steps are you taking at home with your family during this time and what tips do you have to share?
A. As a family we have planned and made decisions that will protect us during this outbreak.
- We constantly stay informed and get up-to-date information about our local COVID19 activity and changes.
- We have prepared for possible illnesses and stocked up our medicine cupboard and we drink ginger,lemon and garlic water on a daily basis to keep our immune systems strong.
- We have made it a fun experience teaching our son about simple hygiene measures such as washing of hands before eating and after playing outside in the garden.
- We take everyday preventative measures such as washing our hands constantly, sanitizing everything we get in contact with using our Omni protect multi-purpose sanitizing spray, staying at home and also covering our coughs and sneezes with a tissue then throwing it away immediately
Q. What message of inspiration do you have for the South African public?
A. Now more than ever South Africans need to stand together in order to fight this pandemic, we need each other for support right now because this disease knows no boundaries and it does not discriminate, so we really need to all be practicing social distancing and more than anything staying at home.
Lets also pray for our health workers and all the essential workers who are risking their lives to save others.
Q. Why is this particular aerosol sanitizer important?
A. Unlike gel applications that are sticky and hard to apply, Omni Protect sanitizing spray allows easy sanitation without having to make contact with potentially contaminated surfaces, It even works amazingly on my two year old’s hands and his toys.